December 20, 2014, Saturday evening -- Reading Sophie Kinsella

On the side of a street near Bondi Beach, in Sydney, Australia (where I'm on vacation)
She is reading Wedding Night, by Sophie Kinsella. She picked this book up because she's read others by the same author that she liked.  She likes reading chick lit and Lee Child's thrillers.  There's another author she mentioned, too, but I can't remember the name....

She's here in Australia finishing her semester of study abroad, studying business at the University of Sydney, and will soon be returning to the cold winter of Sweden.  She remarked that while she's been here she'd notice the few degrees in temperature difference between places around Australia - colder on the south coast - but that will be nothing compared to the 25 degree (Celsius) difference when she returns home.

She's been reading in English because it's hard to find Swedish books here. One of her favorite Swedish authors is Astrid Lindgren, who wrote the Pippi Longstocking books.